Thursday, May 14, 2015

Trying My Best

Yesterday, between feeling sadness and regret over celebrating Rob's birthday without him, I looked at all of my clothes and decided to get rid of some of them.

And then I bought some more clothes at Joe Fresh.  Retail therapy always softens the sharpness of a hard day.

Today I concentrated on advertising the Riverdale Art Walk, which is being held on the weekend of June 6-7.  I'm going to be one of the artists, talking to people and selling my work.

In recent past posts, I've mentioned how I felt like I had somehow "lost my footing" within my life. However, by purging old clothes and other stuff I don't use anymore; by rearranging my apartment so that it's more accessible; and, by trying out new adventures like the Riverdale Art Walk I think I'm on the path to regaining at least some of my balance.

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